Great videos on Facebook Marketplace, setup, scams, how to, what to watch for and tips!

Selling locally on Marketplace 🙂 It is a great option for local small businesses of all types. I put together some great videos to watch, hopefully this will help you with using facebook marketplace to your best advantage!

If you have a service based business a good idea is to make “something” to sell, so for example if you are selling art classes sell “tickets or seats” or if you are a cleaning lady offering a “3 Hour Block” of cleaning, you could even add it in a sliding scale…so for example: 10 hours of cleaning at $25 per hour and 3 hours of cleaning at $30 per hour. You can put in stipulations that the hours must be used within a certain amount of time. You could also include a free estimate on regular services too.

I have made a little note above each one, you might want to pick and choose what you watch, but I think this covers many of the basics.

What is facebook marketplace? Overview.

How to list an item, you might not need all of this information, but watch what you need.

General Overview of getting onto marketplace.

How to get on more that 20 listings. WATCH THIS ONE!!! (below)

3 Great examples of how to boost your marketplace listing! (love these tips).

Great video on marketplace for selling in general.

What about scams? YOU NEED TO KNOW THIS!

#facebook #marketplace #howto #tips

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